The teacher that I am observing uses a reading program called Leveled Literacy Intervention. This program is used by all of the Intervention and Title teachers at the school. Leveled Literacy Intervention is a small group, supplementary intervention designed for children who find reading and writing difficult. The goal of the intervention is to bring children up to grade level achievement. Leveled Literacy Intervention is based on the Fountas and Pinnell gradient of text difficulty. (The Fountas and Pinnell leveling system consists of 26 point on a gradient of reading difficulty. Each point on that gradient, from the easiest at Level A to the most challenging at Level Z, represents a small but significant increase in difficulty over the previous level.) Each level of text makes increasing demands on the reader, but the change is gradual.
Each system is a different color. In each system, there are Levels A through C and Lessons 1 through 70. All of the books have the system color on the back. The amount of words in the book and the level of the book are indicated on the color of the system. Since the teacher usually uses the same system, thus color, for all of her students, the children cannot tell the difference between the books. I believe that this is very important for students. Students who struggle with reading get discouraged when they are reading books that are in a lower level then their peers.
The teacher that I am observing really likes Leveled Literacy Intervention. She says that the students are making huge improvements in their reading and writing skills. The books are interesting for the students too. Leveled Literacy Intervention uses topics that are interesting to the age group. One of the books in the program is Goldie and the Three Bears, which is similar to Goldilocks and the Three Bears, but it is at a level that the students can read.
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